Have you ever felt completely abandoned by God? Ever convinced that He has forgotten you? Well, I have and it was in one important area of my life... knowing who my husband will be.
It's difficult to understand what God is up to sometimes, especially when He blindfolds us to our promises. Want to know a secret? When God is quiet, He is up to something...
I've waited for God to reveal the reasons why some promises, like being married, seem delayed. Though waiting can feel like an eternity God spoke to me a few days ago and said, "For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back." Then it hit me, "You abandoned me???! In what way?!" He explained this:
"I never abandoned you with the absence of My presence. I never stop working on your behalf. It just seems like that when I'm silent, and THAT often feels like abandonment."
So during those moments it will seem like God is "Just Not THAT into You," but that's not the case at all.
After being childless for decades, God told Abraham that his descendants would outnumber the stars. Just imagine how excited he was at hearing such news. He was probably on cloud-nine for days, weeks, and months. What about 25 years? Would you remain excited while waiting on a promise from God for that long?
Sometimes God keeps you out of the details and away from the blueprint as he leads you blindfolded. Know that if and when He does this, it WILL feel like He's abandoned you, especially when He has made a promise. Nevertheless, know that He'll never leave or forsake you. That's another promise too!
God blindfolded Abraham while He led him to a promise. Still, it didn't make waiting easy. But remember, a surprise party leaves the guest of honor OUT of the planning, so don't become disheartened. And stop trying to spoil your own surprise! Instead, call a wise friend. Share your distress. Talk to God. Ask for His grace to help you wait. Keep yourself busy! Know that when God is silent, it's the time to trust Him.
Today I encourage you to rest because God IS "Very Much into You."
Smitten by Him,
Michelle Nicole
..."For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back." Isaiah 54:8 (NIV)