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Smitten Too?

Congrats! You’re smitten too!

Don't Count Yourself Out

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It's easy to talk about our gifts, talents, and accolades, but what about our insecurities and struggles?...


Believe it or not, your insecurities ARE useful! Let me prove it. Jeremiah was not the least bit thrilled with God calling him to be a prophet, someone who speaks divinely inspired messages to others. In fact, he tried to avoid this summons by talking about his inabilities, giving this excuse: “I don’t know how to speak; I’m too young.”

Knowing what was best God replied, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to, and say whatever I command you...” (Jeremiah 1:6-7) God did not allow Jeremiah to dwell on his “inabilities” or accept something that was not true. Instead, God put a demand on the greatness He had placed inside him. Immediately, HE touched Jeremiah’s lips and gave him the message. God anointed Jeremiah for the job that could not have been done in his own strength. Now, take a glimpse at Jeremiah’s career:

  • For over 40 years, Jeremiah counseled, preached, and prophesied to mighty kings and nations.

  • He wrote the longest prophetic book of the Bible, journaling many things he SAID and did (51 chapters).

What a resume! Jeremiah was used powerfully in areas he felt MOST unqualified. I can certainly relate. Writing was never fun for me. It was tedious and challenging, but God always seems to want the areas we feel inadequate in to bring Him glory. Three years ago, He told me he wanted me to write a book. I told Him that He had the wrong girl! After I stopped resisting and making excuses like Jeremiah, HE touched my “weak” area and awakened a passion for what I once disdained.

God longs for an exchange with you too. He wants to use the areas you think are most inadequate, so “Don't Count Them Out!” And since they are of no use to you now, why hold on to them so tight?

Today I encourage you to make a list of your "I cant's," and give it to God. It won’t be comfortable letting go of the things that make you vulnerable but God loves you and has your best interests at heart. He WILL reveal His plan to you in due time and you’ll be amazed. "...For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Phil 2:13 (NIV)

Sweetly Smitten,

Michelle Nicole


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